I could see the thundering of the hooves, the flexing of the muscles, the flaring of the nostrils--all beautiful, actually--and I realized that I was "watching" the horse, in my mind, in slow-motion.
The clods of dirt kicked up by the hammering hooves rose into the air, from the track or whatever, and caught glints of the Sun, turning, spinning, before they reached the apex of their flight and then tumbled back to the earth.
The thin line between sleep and waking has always been a pretty fertile area, for me. I think it must have something to do with the ultra-relaxation and thus the freedom of the mind, the freedom of postulation.
And I lay there, hovering, it struck me: Do you think that people, back in the day, before television, were cognizant of slow-motion? It seems like a stooooopid question, now, as I write this, but I truely don't know. Did film usher the concept of slow-motion into the human mind? Before it was on the silver screen and on television, how do you suppose people's minds processed that phenomenon? Perception is a funny thing.
Then again, as I read over what I just wrote, I suppose psychedelic drugs might have been able to achieve the same function. I don't know.
Fuck this; my feet stink; I'm going to bed.
I love the feeling of being half awake/asleep. I too find that the strangest things come to my mind at that time. Speaking of stinky feet and naps, try napping in the bathtub...I love to do that once in a while. The warm water makes me sleepy, but don't fill the tub too full, lest you slip down and get a nose/mouth full of water (don't ask how I know) ;0)
LOL! Stinky nappin' in the tub-a-rooni! Sounds like a bli-zast. I'd worry about drowning, though. =(
It is true, though, isn't it, that some weird-assed thoughts come to mind in that Narco-Haze, eh?
There's nothing finer than cr8ive dreams, they can't be beat.
Yeah, I'm almost considering taking the Nicoderm patch just for the dreams. I hear that they're, uh, rather vivid. ;-)
I just googled the phrase "slow motion - pre-film concept" and found this at http://ask.metafilter.com/tags/literature:
do dream sequences set in slow motion (as in horrific-but-un-stoppable-accidents) pre-date the use of slow motion photography? specifically, are there pre-film literary references to dream events taking place in slow motion? (yes, a question similar to this one, but i'm interested in slow motion in the dream-scape here).
Durn innernets!
and wow, quite the thread attached! Good readin.
Wow! That is amazing that one can just press a few keys and get an answer to such a (seemingly) head-in-clouds question. Thanks for the link, sis. Gonna read it now.
Naps rule! And so did this post.
Thank you, Sugary! And, hell yeah, naps rule! ::yawn::
I take them at work all the time.
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