Thursday, November 09, 2006


"I was in the hospital. I've been diagnosed with a pre-cirrhotic liver."

Joking, darkly. (Practicing, maybe.)

An impromptu haiku:

precarious Life
tired of being tired
please take my booze, sir

Then again, it is what it is. The only person who can help a person is oneself.

DISCLAIMER--This is *not* a cry for help. (I don't cry. Well, sometimes I do.) :-))


littlemissy555 said...

If not a cry for help, what is it? just kidding. Hope you are having a nice day today, well that goes for any day, but you know what I mean. Oh, btw, I posted some stories about Buddy, just for you!

Melissa said...

Please keep your liver non-cirrhotic!

Impromtu haiku:

give me that booze, sir
allow your liver to heal
we need you here, see?


Adamity73 said...

Lil Miss--I'll read them, fo' shizzle.

Melissa--Nice haiku! Well-done! By the way, nice use of the word "see." In my slightly-bruised mind, I heard/read it as a 1940s black-and-white gangster would say it: "We needja heah, seeah?"


My cry for help has been aborted.

Peace, all.