English guitarist Eric Clapton--to whom many referred as "God"--lost his child, his son. Many years ago.
The son fell off the balcony--maybe three or four floors from the ground. He died on impact.
What I love about "Tears in Heaven" is that Sir Clapton is owning it.
But it is soooooo fucking sad.
I can't even imagine losing a goldfish.
Listen to it. Keep the facial tissues handy.
Ack! This song gets me EVERY TIME!!!
And I DID just lose my fish. :'(
Why did I click it?!? WHY???
Yeah, this song always pretty much destroys me. But I love it - I love books and music and movies that totally wrench my heart. Am strange ;P
Also? (In case I haven't commented enough...) I really like the juxtaposition of this post, with Tupac and Mozart. :)
I think the point that most of us do know what happened to his little boy, makes listening to him sing this just that much more heart breaking.
Hi btw. ;)
Nope, not clicking...I don't want to cry--I already do enough of that.
I remember when it came out, very good song, despite being so sad.
I don't think that I actually knew that....next time I hear that song it'll really get me thinkin' I don't want to cry right now....I've had a pretty good day and yeah...you know.
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