It's a mouthful, huh?
I feel like a fucking loser, I really really do. I feel like a bum, sitting here, on Monday, at the computer, pouring out my Sober-soul to the Cyber-world.
I have had enough, though, thank you very much. And, yes, I said that before, nearly two years ago. I entered a treatment center and dried myself out and started feeling better about myself and went almost eighteen months without even touching a glass of the poison...and then I went to Las Vegas with a couple of friends and my resolve weakened like so much dried-out Play-Doh. I drank. Heavily. Rum-and-Cokes and Coors Lights and Guinnesses and margaritas by the pool.
So I got back from Vegas on June 2nd and, since then, alcohol has become a virtually-omnipresent factor in my "life." People might be surprised by how much poison this sack of bone and tissue (and Soul) can handle.
Returning Stage-Left: the same old feelings of shakiness in the mornings and shortness of breath (allergy, anyone?) like they'd been gone only a day or two instead of eighteen months. In fact, they came back stronger. What kind of bullshit is this that, that, after a year-and-a-half of abstinence, the dis-ease returns ever-stronger?! That's just not right; that ain't fair. (Cry me a river, alky.)
So, yeah. Drinking and all that comes with it: dribbling money away, pissing people off, entering heretofore undiscovered shaky-ass ground at work...all that and more, kidz! =o) Whee! Isn't this fun?!
No, it's not fun. It is misery, is what it is.
I have people supporting me. Lord, do I ever. And that is great. My girlfriend is there for me, my family is there for me...hell, even work is there for me. My attendance record in the last few months handcuffed them, basically--they had to have a meeting with me--but, during the meeting with my supervisor and my union representative and the HR lady, they were all unfailingly positive in their regard for me. "We want you here. You do what you need to do, Adam," they said. "You are a good employee and you are a hard worker...but you have to be here. Do what you need to do to get yourself right."
Amidst their stories of their own families' battles with addiction, I told them that I was going to enroll in an IOP--three nights a week for a few hours at a shot--and that I was going to regularly attend meetings of AA and that I was going to the doctor that day to get a 'script for a drug that makes the user fall violently ill should he or she have the audacity to imbibe while upon it.... Basically, I told them that I was going to go after this Beast with both barrels a-blazin'.
Because I have to. I've not a choice. It is do or die. And, no, that is not hyperbole. It's not the job that is the most important thing (though, of course, in this economy...) nor is it the loss of respect and esteem from others (though that sucks), what it is is the loss of me. The loss of Adam. I change when I drink too much and I, like everyone else, don't like the flip-side of the Shiny Happy Adam. The flip-side is dark and moody and beetles crawl across its coutenance, leaving slimy trails.
I made the classic mistake of addicts: I forgot. I forgot the pain and misery and the trials and the tribulations. I forgot the shakes and the nausea and the muddled thinking. I forgot the ten-feet-tall and bulletproof cartoon character that I'd become and I forgot that happiness and contentment are not going to be found at the bottom of a beer bottle or a glass of Bacardi-and-Coke.
So, anyway, I'm doing what I have to do.
Do you know how much it absolutely sucks to have had almost eighteen months clean and then, at meetings, saying, "Well, I've been clean for three days, now"?
Let me put it into laymen's terms for you: it's like setting the speed record for driving down to Florida from Michigan, just flying right along, and then having to pull over at a reststop because you have to take a three-month wet smelly shit. By the time you finally reach Orlando, all the lemonade stands are shuttered and the canvas tents are neatly rolled and stored and the gargantuan mouse is solemnly shaking his oversized head at you. And blinking good-bye with his giant white glove.
Fuck you, Mickey. This is for me, not you. I may feel like a worthless bum...but I'm not.
So, anyway, all histrionics aside, if you are the praying type, could you please include me in your prayers? This ain't easy. My first name is Adam and my middle is Christopher and I am buckling in for the fight of a fucking lifetime. Whee.
I pray, unconventionally, to something, somewhere... so not only will you be in my prayers, but you remain in my thoughts.
You can do it, Adam.
You are NOT a loser and I won't even entertain that idea for a second!
You can do it Adam. You did it before and you are more than capable of doing it again. Doubly so in fact. Because now you realise what you stand to lose.
You will do it Adam.
I think Laura said pretty well what I wanted to say.
I love ya, man, and I'm always here if you need to talk.
You are absolutely and always in my prayers. <3
I gave up drinking at the beginning of the year. I thought that the best way to get over my last relationship would be to drink heavily, and it almost worked - I stopped thinking about her constantly - but the rest of my life went to hell. I do feel lonely and awkward at times when all my friends go out to the bars on the weekends, but most of the time I feel pretty damn good about it all.
I'm supporting you 100% dude! I know you can do this.
Pour out your Sober-soul, Adam - keep it coming! It's a hard but necessary road you're on, and I have no doubt you realize even more today than the day you left rehab just how important it is and how good life can be when you're in control.
You have a lot of people behind you, wishing you strength and rooting for you. We know it's you who has the work to do, the time to put in, but I hope it gives the Sober-soul strength and the debbil pause to realize just how loved you are and how much you were missed.
P.S. Love the Noah picture.
you are in our prayers, now and always; and we are always there for you. there is no "L" on your forehead. you are strong and you will win this battle. it's great to have you back.
JenBun: Thank you, Jen. Send dem positive vibes my way! =o)
Bunny Bleu: Okay, not a loser, just someone who has what medical professionals call a "disease." They say to me, "Would you feel like a loser if you had cancer or MS?" The analogies don't quite add up for me but, whatever. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Bunny. :)
Heather: Thank you, dear. Much appreciated. =o)
Franklin: If I think it's tough for me, at 35, it's REALLY tough for you at 21 or -2. But I commend you, Frank. And, yes, alcohol is wonderous at helping one temporarily forgetting, but, as mentioned, the rest of the person's life *does* go to Hell...and often very quickly.
Jay: Thanks, man. I know I can, too. I just have to keep walking dem Steps. For me, that seems to be the only way. :-\
Missy-Poo: It is definitely a necessary road that I'm on. Support is great and I need it and I realize that I am wholly blessed to have the family and the girlfriend that I have got. Yeah, I liked that Noah picture, too. =o) And the Debbil? Self-fabricated or not, he can kiss my taint. >:-(
BooBoo: "No L on your forehead." LOL :-) Thanks, Mom. It's nice to be back; though it is a bit of a topsy-turvy time right now, what with whispers at work and fragile baby-steps to Sobriety, I feel that I can do this ever-so-much easier with a clear head and support from both my family and my girlfriend and my AA compatriots. I am not in this alone--I know that--and it makes me breathe a little easier.
Now! Who wants to go to Vegas in Septemeber?! ;-P
I believe in you Adam. And you are right, no matter how you feel, what you are is a beautiful, wonderful, sweet, funny, charming and talented human being. I am pulling for you. And you are in my thoughts and prayers. You can do this. I know you can.
Thanks, Lori. =o) And now add blushing to that list! :-P
I really appreciate you sending me some good vibes. Thank you.
You know you can do it cuz you done it once already and you were way down then. You know exactly what it takes. Furthermore, you're not the same guy that struggled through it the last time. Ask anybody watching you blossom over the last 18 months. You're more bold, more confident, more full of life, more directed, more loving, eternally creative, at least as funny, have welcomed more of us into your life, have more dogs ... and probably weigh more ... (what's the story there dude? bad knees don't keep you from swimming 4 times a week or doing push-ups with Meegs on your back ... c'mon!)
BTW, I'll do Vegas with you in Sept (2009)... you still have a rain check on a west coast visit with us which could include a couple day hike into the Grand Canyon or a scramble at Red Rocks, both just a wee bit outside Vegas. Let me know.
You know I'll support you in your decision to kick your own ass! You've been there once and you're gonna do it again, we're all going to be here for you cheering you on, complete with pom poms if necessary.
I love you man, do what you need to do, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers for sure! *hugs*
Hang in there Adam. I'm sending positive vibes of courage and stamina to get you through it again - all the way from Oz! *rubbing temples* Huuummmmnnnnnnn...
Gum-Dawg: You know what keeps me from doing pushups or swimming? The lung capacity of a gnat, thanks to American Spirit ciggies. ;-) Oh, and I'll definitely take you up on that September (2009) rain check. =o) Thanks for all your support, sir.
Tizzy: Thanks. =o) And break out them pom-poms! :-D
Drea from the land of Oz: Thank you, dearie. So, if it's coming from Oz, I should get it sometime tomorrow...or maybe three days ago? I dunno, the time in Australia leaves me boggled, sometimes. ;-)
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