It happened to me a few days ago when I was at the garage getting a new used tire for my shuddering Ford Focus. It's been a couple of days, but I'll try to get the exchange right. I was in the back of the garage, watching the guy jack up my car and take off the tire, when the front door bell chimed and a guy walked in and ambled to the back. Apparently he had been there more than a few times in the past, because he called the owner by his first name (Ray) and seemed wholly at ease among the piles of tires and haphazardly-placed tools and the wreck of a bathroom.
I can't really remember the words, but it was something along the lines of...well, hell, I really can't remember a damned bit of the exchange. Maybe that should tell me something. Maybe that should tell me that what the guy said wasn't even remotely funny and that the three or four winks that he tipped in my direction were poorly placed.
Why am I that guy's buddy? Why am I the recipient of the winks? Are we a team, ganging up on Ray and the mechanic? Does he expect me to oafishly guffaw and run over and slap him on the shoulder and say, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was a good one, Roger!" It wasn't a good one--it wasn't a bad one, either, it was just stupid--I was just there to get my tire fixed, and I was neither his tagteam joke buddy nor was I interested in his "I-know-this-guy-we-go-way-back" banter.
I really could not have cared less. So Roger knows Ray and vice-versa. So what?
I'm reviewing this as I write it and it seems to me that I may be walking around with a stick up my ass. That must be the case, because who the hell writes about two or three innocuous winks thrown in his or her direction after a "funny" was made three days previously? Me. A tired cranky motherfucker, I reckon.
But back to the practice of good-ole-boy twitch-winking at strangers: I'm not your friend. I don't know you. Don't wink your playfully-digging banter in my direction, sir.
I know, I know, it's all a big joke and we're mildly "having it on" at Ray's expense. Here's how it is, Winker: I don't know Ray, either. I mean, shit, I've just gone to his garage to get my tires fixed two or three times in the past. And I've only gone there because I can get a used tire--in my Focus's small size--balanced and out the door for thirty bones.
Truth be told, the only reason I know Ray is Ray is because there is a big sign painted on the side of the brown building that chippingly says "Ray's Discount Tires." In fact, I am not really a fan of Ray's place. It depresses me whenever I walk through the door.
Talk about a lack of overhead!
The place is a fucking dump. It's dirty, there are tires stacked--seemingly--to the ceiling, filthy hubcaps and rims line the floor behind the counter, five or six folding chairs serve as the waiting area, outdated Parks and Recreation maps are taped to the wall, there's an old dusty Zenith that has a new life as a telephone book table, Ray himself is rather dusty and grim, unsmiling and of an indeterminate age, and it just depresses me because whenever I walk in there I think to myself, This is where Ray and the other guy work. This is where they spend a majority of their time. This is what they are paid to look at. How the hell do they find anything here? What do they do for food? Why the hell is the telephone still a rotary dial? Has Ray failed to keep up with the times? Does Ray go home every night to his flea-bitten tabby cat and nuke a microwave Salisbury steak dinner and watch the tube? Is Ray depressed? Why does he seem so fucking morose, man? Life is good. Look out the window, Ray, and watch the joyous masses motorvate up and down John R. Road, man.
The place screams Boring Utilitarianism.
The place reeks of lonliness.
And so when some cowboy in his personalized blue work jacket strolls in, tipping winks to strangers after regurgitating some sorry old line...I guess I just fail to see the humor in it.
And I'm not a part of his team, tagging up and dropping a Flying Tsunami Elbow on Dirty Ray, lying prostrate on the canvas.
Ahem. I winked at someone today. One of the professors came barreling through my office door when I was mid-bite into my Sausage McMuffin. Before I knew it, I'd tipped him a wink.
Now, I know it was meant as a "Oops, caught eating at my desk" wink. But in retrospect, it may have appeared as some weird "Check this out, about to deep throat a breakfast muffin" wink.
I'll just stop right there.
TOO funny, Melissa! TOO FUNNY!
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
maybe he was keen on you? It's possible you know
Okay, so here's Ray's story. He's a pretty sad looking fella but he's got this wife named Myrtle that's pretty hot. He's trying to sell the shop so he can move the little woman away cause he can't keep her from stepping out on him with other men.
Myrtle is having an affair with this really rich asshole who lives in the city. Well one of these nights Myrtle and Ray are going to have a big old fight. She'll try to run and will be hit and killed by a car driven by the wife of the man she's having the affair with.
Anyway, Ray is going to just inconsolable and will vow revenge. He'll show up at this rich guys home with a gun. The rich guy will convince Ray that some other guy was actually driving. A friend of his wife's who is this rather mysterious fella that lives out with all the rich folk not far from the city. The fella will be a guy that is trying to take the really rich guy's wife from him.
So, Ray will make his way .. probably on foot .. all the way out to this mysterious fella's house and find him in the swimming pool. And Ray will shoot him and kill him.
Hope that answers your questions about Ray.
If done properly, I think the wink can be a bit charming. Unfortunately, most people end up looking like douche bags.
Rumbles: Naw. I don't think that was the case. But, after writing this blog, that crossed my mind. ;-)
Jay: ;-) times Infinity. PWN
Jay: Great story, man! Loved it. You know what's funny? The tire store is not but 6 streets away from a street named East Myrtle. Spooky, huh? [;-)xI] And actually, after I read what I'd written, the thought crossed my mind that this Ray fella (probably about 56) might actually be a perfectly normal guy, actually richer than most, who just doesn't walk around with a ubiquitous shit-eatin' grin on his face. It's possible. [;-)xI]
Suge Knight: Truism. And...truism. I'd probably end up rockin' the douche bag. Damn, that sounded bad. ;-)
When the blog is a rockin'...*wink*
Amen Adam, amen.
I hate these people. These are the kind of people who shop where I work.
Those "kind" just kinda creep me out...especially if they are skeevy old dudes who kind of look at you for a minute before they decide that "Yes...I think I shall wink at you now!" Ewwww! Melissa, that's funny! hahaha "deep throat a breakfast muffin"!!!! HAAAAAAAHAHA!
Your sis is hilarious I say. ;) Ha! ;) And once more for good measure... ;)
I'm with rumbles, perhaps the dude was on the down low and looking for you to blow up his tire on the cheap.
That's so funny b/c recently I was thinking about starting to wink at people--you know, just to make them wonder.
Bun-Bun: Remind me never to go to tesco. ;-)
But, Tizzy, *I'm* a skeevy old dude.
Nighthawk: She *is* a funny one, fo' shizzle.
M@: LOL ;-) ;-) ;-)
No you are not! lol
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