That a 38-year-old quarterback, two time zones away, at the end of his Hall of Fame career, still has the ability to raise the hairs on the back of my neck and birth goosebumps on my arms...that is why I love sports.
*Oh, and it doesn't hurt that I started Greg Jennings in one of my Fantasy leagues this week. ;-)
How did I not notice we were using the same template? I feel silly now for some reason. :P
(I know nothing about sports, so I'll just stick to ^ that)
When GB won the toss to get the ball first in overtime I thought that might go deep on the first play, just like they did to start the game. And they did. Apparently I should be on the Denver staff because it NEVER FUCKING OCCURRED TO THEM that BRETT FREAKING FAVRE might throw deep on them. I'm not bitter at all, I swear. Yes I am. LOL ;-)
My playoff team won again! I picked up Hines Ward Saturday night and he scored two TDs! The Saturday night pick up is a great strategy to follow. LOL
P.S. I really should proof-read my comments. haha
Of course, by "playoff team" I meant "playoff-bound fantasy team". I'm a little pumped by my second straight win. I'm so proud of them I'm thinking of splurging. Free HGH shots all around boys! LOL
I understand, Heather. It's okay. Not everyone can be a rabid NFL fan. :-P
Jay: LOL, man. It's the little things that make the difference, eh? Like "playoff-BOUND" instead of "playoff." So, what happened? Did you have Denver's D/ST or were you going against the Ageless Wondah, also known as Brett Favre?
I started Roethlisberger this weekend and he did pretty well...23 points. I guess I have Hines Ward to thank for that! =o}
Favre is the Man, love the guy.
Agreed, Nocturnal. (Even though I live in the D and the Packers have been arch-rivals for forever and a week, I have always enjoyed watching the Man rifle the pigskin.)
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