Those allusions are all patently untrue.
If I gave anyone the idea that the meme was truly about fisting I, first, apologize and, second, strongly advocate your getting your head out of your ass.
I feel bad, though, that some people might have been stupid enough to actually believe that Miss Snow sent me a meme on fisting. She never did. She sent me a meme on sexual firsts. That's it.
Maybe the reason I fudged around with the meme is because I feel ashamed of my penis, and the fact that it's only seven inches long, five inches around. I feel that that is an embarrassment to men in general, yet, it swings between my legs. I can't improve it. Weights and pumps don't work. It is what it is. :-\
I also should have taken into account, when I received the tag, that Izzy is a paid sex columnist. There was also a link--in the rules of the meme--that shot the clicker back to Sex Talk For Men, assuredly an online column. I didn't think, whilst I was gleefully typing, about the career ramifications that could have been incurred had Someone read the linkages back to my post.
I would never intentionally try to put words in others' mouths, but, in this case, that is exactly what I did. It was Firsts not Fists! Damn it! Oh, God! How could I have been so foolish?!
Let this be a lesson to you, though! Never--never--try to inject humor into a blog-post. It could be misinterpreted. =[
I thought it was pretty funny.
So was this post. The "Holy shit are there people out there who really are that stupid?" kind of funny.
Get it, M-Dog? :-|
Jay: Naw. We must all be Kool...like the cigarettes. :-|
Adam, I wasnt surprised, or upset, about what you did to it. I kind of expected it, and I certainly didn't expect you to remove it. I just wanted you to make it clear that those were not my words you copied and pasted.
OMG - Your an f'ing trip. You make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts !
only 7 inches?
Damn, you ARE an embarrassment!
Izzy: It wasn't a problem, at all, to remove it. I was actually my pleasure, kiddo. And, please, keep the great erotic writing coming! =o)
Girl: I'm sorry about your tummy. ;-\
Frank: I know, I know...they call me Mighty "Lightswitch" Mouse for a reason, I reckon. :`(
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