Two hundred years ago today, Abraham Lincoln was born. He was gangly and pretty homely and rocked the beard-without-a-mustache look. He was a lawyer and then a senator and then he ended up becoming President, just in time for the United States' most tenuous days. He was in office during and up to the end of the Civil War and he unfortunately chose to go with his wife to the theatre to see a comedy and ended up getting shot in the back of the head by a Derringer held in the hand of one of the famous actors of the day, John Wilkes Booth, who then vaulted the eleven feet to the stage and ran center and intoned in Latin, all actorly, the Virginia state motto and then closed with, "The South is avenged," before he raced off into the cornfields. Interestingly enough, Wilkes fucked up his leg or something during his dramatic leap to the stage and the doctor who ended up treating him was a certain Doctor Mudd. Mudd was looked upon with reproach for treating the assassain and thus the saying, "[His or her] name is mudd" originated.
I hope you liked your history lesson. I have a shitload of things to do today, but I figured I should hop on the 'puter really quickly and honor the gangly dude.
Have a great day! =o) And here's to antivirus programs on the computer actually working.
I think that giving that doctor a hard time is just silly. I mean, doctors treat terrible people all the time. The Hippocratic Oath and all that, yknow?
But yah, Lincoln really did rock the chin strap ;-)
What an educational post! Would you be willing to do another for George Washington? Is there any others hooked up with Presidents Day? Shouldn't I know this? See! I need more education! Bring it.
Could you put in a good word for poor old Darwin? It's his 200th birthday today too and his impact on the way we think is probably far greater than Lincoln's. Although way less charismatic or dramatic a personality and life, I think he should get a fair shake (but am too lazy and ignorant to do it myself). In celebration I am beginning to read Origin of Species (an 1898 copy I found in our local super used-book store) ... this is the 150th anniversary of it's publication in 1859. Whoohoo!
Heather: I agree with you completely. Doctors must honour their oaths, yah?
Missy: Sure! I'll do one for Georgie-Pordgie, too! =o)
Gumster: I had no idea that Lincoln and Darwin shared a birthday! That's quite an impressive birthday duo. I wonder, were they born in the same year, too? I'll have to look that up. BYW, be careful turning dem pages, eh? ;-) [And, yes, I took my vitamins today. =)]
Gummy: Forget I asked about the year in which they were born. I just re-read your comment. Sheesh! Slow down, Adam!
Very interesting, I had no idea that's were the mud phrase came from. I hope you doing ok....
yes, the gumster told me they were born on the same day and year. and if this is lincoln's 200th birthday, that would mean they were born in 1809, right?
i am so glad to see that your computer is working yea! beware tomorrow, the 13th and a friday. luckily we have a loving day right after it.
i liked your synopsis of Lincoln's life...i hope you liked the stamps. i think they did a good job chronicling his life,too. i ended up buying a linclon book for myself, too. after i finish the book i'm reading, i will start on that one...with a magnifying glass--the print is so small.
"gumster"? "gumster"?! Just cuz your sis couldn't say my name once upon a time shouldn't mean I suffer for eternity!
Girl: I'm doing well, young lady, thanks! =o)
BooBoo: Meeg and I appreciate the card and thank you for the stamps. =o)
Gum-Dawg: Suffer?! "The Gumster" is a kick-ass name! :-D (And, yes, I took my vitamins.) :-)
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