Wednesday, April 25, 2012

LOVE.. .love is. What am I supposed to say, here? What? Should I say that I love M___ more than anyone, ever? Should I say that I love her, till death? And, on that beam, should I BANG my fucking head against the wall for not "being there" for her?! Yes. Oh...yes. * I drink; therefore I am. * Through vodka and beer, I weaealed myself out of.... * I thought I had a big, caring heart. I am an asshole. * I am a dick. *


Melissa said...

Love is, indeed. Love is love is love is love.

You DO have a big caring heart, never doubt it. You also have something going on that gets in your way. Don't beat your head on the wall - do what you can. I hope Meagan is feeling better now! Love to you both.

Adamity73 said...

she's good.