The show is geared towards little girls. Little I-haven't-had-my-period-yet-but-I-heard-that-Becky Alvarez-has-already-jeez-I-hope-it's-not-icky. Little girls who, God bless them, should be doing mathematics or other such bullshit. Playing with dolls. Baking a pie in the oven. Storming the jungle in the renewed Battle of the Bulge.
What they should not be doing is voting.
I can't understand, otherwise, why some doe-eyed fuck like Lee DeWyze (real name?) beat out the much- much- much- much- much-more-talented singer Crystal Bowersox. Here. I wish I had access to her last song--for votes--on American Idol. It was blues and soul.
Now, I really don't want to dig on DeWyze too much--he's good--but, come on.
Here's the paint salesman, Lee DeWyze: Song.
Whoops. Did I fuck up and insert the wrong link? Hell, by this time, you've heard both of them.
What you missed when I missed the link was DeWyze doing the same ole bullshit that we have come to expect from Idols. And, also? He ham-handed his way through "Beautiful Day" by U2 and REM's song "Everybody Cries (Sometimes)".
What we have, here, is a failure to communicate. That's it, apparently. We have telephones and cells and computers and texts given to little girls...who know not what to do.
They don't judge on talent, they judge on looks.
And fucking shame on them.
Here is a glimpse, kids, little girls, into the real world: People come in all shapes and sizes and genders and talents. Sometimes? Sometimes the doe-eyed boy isn't the best out there. Sometimes? Sometimes a single mother with more Soul in her little finger than The Wise has in his whole made-for-TV body could win it all.
It was--and is--an outrage, a miscarriage of Justice.
I'm 37, a male, and I feel screwed by the results of American Idol.
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