But, it is more than that. There is some kind of internal barometer that says, yes, exactly. Call me a pussy if you want to. I won't care. I understand beauty when I hear/see it.
And this song/sonstress are Beauty.
[If you're not touched the first time, well, play it again.]
Postscript: Bobby B., Dean, Grandad, Uncle Rod, Grampa Burr___, Nana: they're all guardian angels. I thank them all.
every time i hear that song, i tear up. the first time i heard it was as background music in a movie where someone was dying and her heart was being placed in another woman. ever since then, it makes makes me cry. i have never seen it sung or have known who sang it. thanks for the chance. very beautiful.
She's an amazing singer!
Yep, I love her voice and the song.
It's a gorgeous song, Mom. It's like an adult lullaby. I think the lyrics may have been inspired by addiction--hers or someone that she knew. The meaning behind the song, though, doesn't matter all that much. It is the *emotion* of the song (and the emotions that said song gives the listener) that matters. The song is so peaceful, so reassuring. I like head-banging music, sure, but I also definitely appreciate the beauty of a songstress with her piano.
Matty-Three: Pure beauty, huh? =o) Hope things are going well for you in the mountain country, man. Peace and love to you and yours.
Miss Meliss: Yeah. I was listening to it again and I am struck by her cadence and her (seemingly) country twang. I know she's Canadian--is she from the west coast of our neighbors to the north? Vancouver, maybe? British Columbia? I'll have to Google her.
I demand that this song be played at my (too-early) funeral.
Send me off with Beauty.
And I'm holding you to it.
(Serious. Play the song.)
very nice, Adam. I don't listen to Sara MacLaughlin often enough. A very nice 5 minutes.
and please, let's not talk about your funeral just yet.
Hell, Lexy, I am a cockroach. I *survive*. There'll be no funeral.
Just yet.
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