Just like any other movie of Injustice (Mississippi Burning), I cried. I teared up, I cried, I had a little somethin' in my eye.
Gay, straight, bi, transgendered...who gives a fuck?
We had a fucking boob in the Oval Office in the last eight years--he gave a fuck.
I teared up because of the injustice. Why--oh why?!--was homosexuality considered such a cultural maelstrom? Why?
And. This is my Book: God made us as we are. One is born with homosexuality or heterosexuality or, sometimes, human beings are fucked, not knowing--spiritually--whether they are of a male or female gender. But...God knows. And that is good.
God is the Creator. You don't believe, fine.
I do.
I was pissed, during the movie, when they had a cut-away old-school newsreel of reactions. There was this cunt, with the Christ cross behind her, in the daylight--as clear as day--and she was bitching about what the Homosexuals would do to her family. I had an answer, and I muttered it out from betwixt teeth clenched tight: "Woman, you take care of your fold. Mmmmkay? Teach them right, protect and encourage them. If they turn out to be a homosexual male or a lesbian...so what? It is no reflection upon you. (Well, maybe a little.)"
The point--from my pointy mind--is this: G0d made us as we are. Hetero-, homo-, whatever. God made the decision. And so for any preacher or tight-lipped bitch to make sexuality an issue, well, they speak against God.
They may bring up Leviticus and other Bible verses, but, so what?! Who gives a damn? The world has moved on. The world recognizes people as people.
This is what I hate: "Well, God said...."
Bullshit. Go back to Genesis. God made man in his own image. God is perfect. Thus, whatever the hell God makes? It is perfect. Be it a platypus, an aardvark or a gay human being. God doesn't make Mistakes.
And so that is why, when I hear people talking negatively about "faggots," "lezzies," etcetera, I get a little hot under the collar. Do I say anything? No. I just write off the "joke-teller" as ig'nant.
But, still....
This movie opened my eyes. It might yours, too.
I'm not a religious person, but I like the cut of your jib.
I haven't seen Milk yet, but I hear it's an excellent movie.
There will always be close-minded assholes, I fear. Aren't we all supposed to be God's children? Do to others what you would have them do to you, says Matthew 7:12, and I heartily agree.
Bravo, bravo, bravo - I can't stand Homophobes. My daughter's godfather/my cousin is gay and it doesn't make him any different than you and me. I love him to death. That prejudice should have died out a long time ago. Being in the closet is no longer the cool thing. Come on out, you'd be surprised at how many people really don't care what your sexual preference is. Excellent Post !
Yeah, as a Christian, I sometimes shudder at the folks who self-identify as such. They give me a bad name. Worse, they give God a bad name.
Frank: Yeah, but.... Why you lookin' at my jib's "cut", mang?! ;-)
Missy: Yeah, it was a good movie. I perhaps overstated my reaction on the blog, but, still, it got to me, quite a bit. Yes, we are all God's children.
Girl: Thanks for good response. I think that prejudice *can* be a kind of a default human reaction to others who afre "different" than us. Skin color, age, sexual orientation. etc.--if someone is seen as different, often times people will kind of "turtle up," as a defense mechanism, almost as a way to protect themselves. It's not necessary, though. Do you know how *booooring* life would be if we all acted the same, talked the same, thought the same? *That* would be hell.
Suldog: I have absolutely nothing against Christianity. Nothing at all. I see myself as a Christian, one who believes in God and Jesus as an offshoot of God. Does that make me naive? No, I don't think so. It's my belief. But it really *does* rankle me when supposed Christians *completely* circumnavigate the true teachings of Jesus and cling to verses and "examples" in the Old Testament to support their hate-based and exclusive religious "mores" and "norms." I mean, anyone who would hold up a sign or something that saysx that "God hates_____" anything would be doing their God a disservice. In my view, God does not hate. He does not exclude. In my view, God is a god of love. Of acceptance. All this to say, the Golden Rule, as Melissa stated above, is where it's at: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think the world would be a better place if we all practiced that axiom.
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