I missed a call this morning from work, calling to get a crew to come in and work on some omnipresent snafu. It would have been nice to go in to work, getting called in on a holiday. I don't want to even do the math...triple-time plus a call-in, plus a meal ticket...something like that. I missed it, though, and that's fine. Though I am in severe need of extra cash (I was paid 90% during my time off, but, of course, no overtime and no on-call money), today I need to be a father to my furry mute chilluns.
They are scratching incessantly and their shots are overdue. Also, and this pained me to see, Lou has a problem with his rear left paw. Yesterday he was lying on the couch, kind of gnawing at his foot and, eventually, I went over to him and pulled his paw out of his mouth. Without really examining the situation, I ran my hand over his nails and was surprised when he yelped in pain and shot his mouth towards my hand. What the fuck, Louie? I was a bit taken aback. I hadn't done anything rough with his paw, but the yelp was one of pure unadulterated pain and his jaw-snap towards my hand concerned me, as well. I took his paw tenderly in my hand and stroked his neck and had a looky-see. Lou had that "I'm-sorry-Adam" look on his face and his ears were back like they are when he is embarrassed and his tail was thumping softly against the cushion. The kid lost a claw, somehow. His "pinky" nail on his left rear paw is gone, leaving nothing but an empty socket and, assuredly, a whole hell of a lot of pain when it's fucked with. How'd it happen? I have no clue. It looks like a clean excavation, almost as if it (the claw) were secured in channel lock, or something, and unceremoniously jerked out of its bed.
It hurts me to write that. Ouch.
Lou is getting along fine, only slightly favoring his rear leg, but, luckily, I was able to procure a 3:00 appointment at the veteranarian's office. I'll take him (and the completely obnoxious Oliver) to the vet's and try to kill three birds with one stone: shots, anti-itching, and I'll see what I have to do to take care of Lou's paw.
It sucks to miss triple-time (but I was sleeping at 6:45 when the call came in) but I have to take care of my boys. I have been slacking in their basic care; I need to make amends.
Anyway, enjoy your Tuesday. And come on Inauguration Day! Please! Let's start over!
How dare you sleep at 6:45 on your day off?!? Lazy bum ...
Poor little Lou. Sorry to hear about his foot, but I'm sure the doctor will set him right.
Poor Lou!
Glad he didn't get your hand though. Otherwise you'd be in the ER while they were at the vet's office!
I know, Meliss, sleeping at 6:45?! I should be ashamed of myself. ;-) [Although, sis, I reckon I just showed my true lazy nature. I lay down for a little shut-eye at 12:00 and I just now woke up: 2:30. Ah, but it felt good! :-D]
Jay-Jay: True enough. LOL Lou's got a big mouth and his teef are very shapr and pointed-like. Ouch!
Don't most normal people sleep at 0645 on their off days? :)
I know, January 20th can't come soon enough...
"unceremoniously jerked" (hehehehe)
I know. 6:45. I'm still sleeping. (well actually, I'm getting back into bed after taking Nay to the bus stop).
*kisses Louie's pinky toe
So what was the verdict? How's Lou doing now?
Hope the baby dogs are doing better!
Peace to you too, love.
Lou's good, Meliss. It was funny, yesterday, when i gave him his pain medication, the dog was definitely, STONED. LOL His eyes were droopy and he was licking at my face in slow-motion.
JenBun: Peace, Jen. The kids're all right. =o)
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