Tonight we had the kids and our significant others and mom and Aunt JoAnne and Uncle Jim and Uncle Al over and we gathered around the table and had pizza and looked at pictures of you and remembered your spirit globe-trottings and political volunteerism and we hoped and prayed that you were in a better place. And--and I weep as I write this--I am sure you are. It was so damned tough at the end for you and for us and I, though I cried when I heard that you passed on to the other side at 5:25 on Sunday morning, I also cried tears of joy because I knew that your suffering was now done. You were in a better place and free to talk with your brother and your mother and any other friends and family members who beat you to the other side.
But, Dad! I wish you could have experienced tonight's political events. I wish you could have held on, sound of mind, though perhaps unsound of body, to have seen Barack Obama become the first African-American president-elect. God, it makes my soul glad to see that, maybe for once, we as a nation can overlook insignificant things such as race and creed and, for once, come together to vote for the better man. We stuck it to the system. We turned out and voted and the better man won.
I wish you could have seen it.
Learn to change; why can't we do it?
Dad, I hope that you're looking down and smiling, man. It is surely a sight to see. I love you, Dad.
Adam, I am so very sorry for the loss of your father. My heart goes out to you and your family in this difficult time. You and your family are in my prayers ;0) *hugs*
Very sorry for your loss my friend.
Love and peace to you, Adam. I know what a long, difficult journey this has been for your family.
I believe your dad is in a better place.
And I'm sure he's looking down and smiling!
On you AND the change that is going to come...
Adam, I'm so very sorry for the pain and heartbreak you're experiencing. I love you and you know I'm here if there's anything you need. Thinking of you and yours. *hugs*
Oh, Adam, I'm so very sorry for you and your family's loss. I know that hollow feeling inside only too well, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Please accept my love and friendship. And please stay strong by knowing your dad is no longer suffering in any way! We're all here to lean on, ya know. My best to your whole family as well. I continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs! Terry
I bet your dad was front and center watching Senator Obama give his speech that night.
So, so very sorry to hear about his passing, Adam. My heart hurts for you all.
Thank you, all. It's a tough time, but it'll get better.
You know, when Barack's grandmother died right before the election, the only thing I could do was cry. I mean, how sad that she could not have lived long enough to see her grandson be elected as the 44th president of the United States.
I am sorry for your loss Adam, and indeed sorry that your Dad was not there to experience the election.
Oh I love this letter... sounds so cool. At least from what it sounds like your Dad was cool with the changes that were coming. My parents are not really like that. I am, however...
Still, I love the "letter" to Dad and probably will write my Dad from time-to-time. God I miss him.
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