Can you guess the answer? I'll wait.
Foot-tapping completed, I am back to say that the answer is fear of sitting.
Fear. Of. Sitting.
Who the fuck is afraid to sit down?! My God, if one is phobic, that is all one wants to do. Sit down, lay down, nap, hide, etc.. Anything to get him- or herself away from the object of their phobia. Can you imagine how much it must suck to be afraid to sit down?!
J. Christ, that's all some people do at work!
I'm not mocking. Seriously. I feel the non-sitters' pain. I, too, have phobias. I'm nervous when I'm enclosed in a room, sitting around a bunch of people. I'm scared that I'll have a heart attack. (I think that one is called cardiophobia. If not? I just made up a new medical malady! Whee for me.)
But to be afraid to sit!
Of what are the sufferers a-scairt? That the seat is too luxurious; are they afraid that they'll sink into Suffocation? Are they afraid of splinters from the chair's arms? Are they afraid that their ass will balloon permanently into Infinity? Are they afraid that the "cushions got spores"?
Seriously. I don't understand it.
I think that thaasophobia, if the truth be told, is actually more of a social anxiety-type thing. The sufferers are uncomfortable sitting with people--they feel trapped--and so the mind convolutes and digs a tread in its fissures that leads the afflicted to believe that every time they sit down, bad shit could--will!--happen. Be they alone or be they with guests. But...shit.
All that standin'?! That's gotta be hard on the knees!
Anyway. The mocking is over. I salute all with thaasophobia. I wring tears out of my hard ass--I cry for them.
But...it makes me wonder. Is the name thaasophobia somehow a contraction of "that's my ass--I've a phobia"? Or some Italian grandmother wheezing, "Now, that? Now thazza phobia!"
Medical jargon: who can understand it?!
much to ponder, much to ponder. Thaas! a phobia.
Haha, sis. Actually, I looked up "thaasophobia" on the Wide Wonderful Web, and--many have claimed--that "thaasophobia" basically means that one is averse to being idle. Also? This one website--look under dictionary.com, probably--had the pronunciations of both British and "American" speeches, the American's is a hoot. It sounds more like "Ass-aphobia."
A fear of butts. Priceless.
I really hope that fear of sitting comes up in the "Phobias" category on Jeopardy someday. I'll be ready for it!
HAHAHA "sink into suffocation" ROFL! Oh man that had me crackin' up! lol
I wonder if they shit standing up.
I have the opposite phobia, I'm afraid to get up. Because that usually means I'll have to do stuff and talk to people, two of my least favourite activities.
I spend my entire day (sitting!) dealing with medical jargon.
It is insane, some of the shit that's out there.
And, yes, cardiophobia is an abnormal fear of heart disease.
This has been Dr. JenBun weighing in! ;)
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