Que horror.
In all seriosity, that really is life-altering for the relatives of the downed Panamanians. I wish them the best in their times of grief.
However, the egomaniac I am, I seized upon one pertinent piece of information. The newscaster--Devin Scillian--intoned, "The chopper was built in 1973 and was due to be retired."
'Scuse me, Devin. I was built in 1973...and I am in no way due to be retired.
As the gray encroaches upon my goatee and newscasters speak dustily about the year of my birth, I remain intertwined with a most simple concept: forget the past and never think about the morrow and you're always one day old.
Let's play FlapperJax.
I was built in '68. Does that man that I'm due to be boxed up and stuck in the ground? Or just put out to stud? Cause I'm totally okay with the being put out to stud idea.
Jay, Jay, Jay...I can't believe that you come to this Christian message place and inuate stuff like that. For shame, big brother--for shame.
(PS--I have had to live with being a "stud" for a long LOOOOOOOONNNG time. Most women don't dig a 13-inch cock. **sigh** But, yeah...pasture....
73? You're a CLASSIC! I know classics...
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