Thursday, May 22, 2008


I be tagged. Ouch! You didn't have to tag me so damned hard JenBun! The whimsical, hilarious, energetic--seriously, I picture her as a colorful tornado--JenBun has tagged me to do a meme.

I haven't been blogging much lately, and it's been pissing me off. I reckon I just haven't had a whole hell of a lot of things about which to write, lately. Either that, or the words are plumb tapped out. Naw. They'll come back. Maybe this meme will act as a catalyst to reopening that third eye of mine (in my head, you durthy-minded readers, in my head). =o)

[By the way, all these lists are put down on the screen in no particular order.]

[That's the problema, Batman, I just haven't felt a lot of passion for anything, lately. But I'll do my best.]

1. Sports. Be it watching them or playing them, I have always held a special place in my heart for sports, particularly those that include a ball (or a puck) and a goal and are played as a team. Basketball, baseball, softball, football, get the idea. (One sport for which I have absolutely no passion is car racing. Seriously. I could not care less about who won the left-turn contest.)

2. Pleasures of the body. Alone or with m'baby, there isn't a whole hell of a lot better than the emotional, psychological, physiological and spiritual release of...well, you know. Now, if that means that I continuously (and wantonly) "break" one of the Seven Deadly Sins, so be it. God gave us working parts and erogenous zones for a reason, kids.

3. Photography. I have a simple point-snap-and-giggle, but, to me, there is something really alluring about getting that perfect shot. And if it ain't perfect, that's okay, too. It's just so cool to stop time, as it were...and then digitally remaster it.

4. Road trips. I don't do them nearly enough, but isn't it great to just hop in the ole coche and hit the road? Crank open dem winders and slap your favorite CD in the player and just...let it all go? It's freeing; it's liberating; it may be running from the banality of everyday life, but so what? Road trips kick ass.

5. My girl Meagan. I have never met anyone with whom I have so strongly felt that click. When I am with her, my spirits are higher and my smile is wider and my contentedness is deeper. Enough said. If I say more, I'll be visiting CornyLand. :)

6. Reading. I don't read as much as I used to read, but there is often nothing better than just sitting or laying down and thumbing open that book in which you'll assuredly lose yourself.

7. My family and my dogs. My family has always been tightly-knit. I love each of my immediate family with a ferocity that is unquantifiable. My dogs are, simply put, my sons. For hours, I can just sit there and watch them interact and explore the backyard, chewing grass, loping and playing.

8. Scalding caffienated beverages. I love me some java. Hook me up with some joe. Brew me some liquid mud, and I'm (highly-energized) putty in your hands. I used to have a passion for beer, but, through trials (sometimes literal) and tribulations (innumerable), I came to the conclusion that, hey, maybe this passion was a killah. :-O


1. Travel to Europe. I don't really care where. I just wanna see the Old Country.

2. Jump out of a plane. I would like to do this with an operable parachute, please.

3. Publish a fucking book. I have loved to write for a long long time. I think it'd be pretty cool to see my name in print. And, if I got some money for it, that'd be cool, too.

4. Kick the fucking ciggie habit. I'm really really sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. (As I take a drag on my seemingly-omnipresent American Spirit and blow the smoke at the monitor.) I'm playing Russian Roulette with this habit, andf it's not even really fulfilling anymore. Take a hint, Bluto! Cram the smokes in the No-Return Bin!

5. Learn how to establish (and meet) goals.

6. Have rock-hard abs.

7. Have a rock-hard penis, one that could cut diamonds. :-O

8. Have a rock-hard will, rock-hard determination. With the will, there is pretty much always a way.


1. "Luigi...and...Oliverrrrrrrrrrah." My dogs' names. It's kind of a habit. Don't ask me why, because I truly don't know. Maybe I say it out of love?

2. "Eh-heh-heh. You said, 'Sixty-nine.' Eh-heh-heh."

3. "Sorry 'bout that."

4. "One of these days, I'll get in shape."

5. "One of these days, I'll stop smoking."

6. "One of these days, I'll have my debt paid off."

7. "God damn! Where has all the time gone?!"

8. "Damn, a nap sounds good."


1. Duma Key, by Stephen King.

2. Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk.

3. Marley & Me, by John Grogan.

4. The Society, by Michael Palmer.

5. Zen Dog, by Toni Tucker and Judith Adler.

6. The Blooding, by Joseph Wambaugh.

7. Next, by Michael Crichton.

8. Power to Change, by Harold Hill and Liz Rogers.

[Quite honestly, I don't know that I have ever seen a movie eight times. So...these are the movies that I have seen more than three or four times.]

1. "The Exorcist"

2. "Seven"

3. "Fight Club"

4. "Goodfellas"

5. "Fargo"

6. "Bram Stoker's Dracula," by F.F. Coppola

7. "Apocalypse Now"

8. "Office Space"


1. You.

2. You, too.

3. Meegie! You wanna do a meme, honey-chile?

4. George "Dubya" Bush. (This way, we can see if he can write.)

5. Prince Albert (in the can).

6. Charlie Manson. (That would be freaky, huh?)

7. Nighthawk Nan.

8. My sister, Melissa. Hey, sis! Whilst linking to your site, I just noticed that you have a new post! Sa-weet! I love reading your dryly-comedic writings! I'm off to read it after I publish this drivel. :-]

Anyway, that's the "Eight Things Meme." Hopefully this will prime my Writing Pump.



Jay said...

I would like to take more road trips too. I should try to find a job where I have to travel, maybe that would be cool. Or I would just resent the fact that I can't do anything fun when I travel cause I'm working. Yeah, I know me, that's what I would do.

I loved "Marley and Me"

I'm pretty sure I've seen The Godfather I & II at least 8 times each. And probably Office Space too. Maybe Ronin. Definitely Casablanca and To Kill a Mockingbird. Holy cow, I need to try something new! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm still stuck in "rock-hard" territory...

JenBun said...

Awww, Adam, thanks for saying all those nice things about me! *blush* And you know you like being tagged HARD! ;)

I thought (of course) that a bunch of your answers were beautiful, hilarious, or that amazingly rich combination of the two that you manage to serve up so well!

Heh. You said "rock-hard penis." And "sixty-nine." Heh heh heh.

I'm just glad to see writing on your page, my dear! And I'm off to go visit your sister... :)

Melissa said...

I'm pretty sleepy, so it may be a Four thing instead of an Eight, but we'll see. Thanks for the tag!

I never would have guessed you were a sports fan, sportsfan. Seems like all the hoops and balls and team t-shirts should have given it away ...

Adamity73 said...

Jay-Jay: "Marley and Me" was pretty good, wasn't it? I can't believe that I forgot to mention the Godfathers One and Two. (Three sucked, in my opinion.) Those two movies should be on the list, as well.

Tizzer: Yeah, I was fumbling towards cohesion. Don't know that I made it.

JenBun: Thanks for the kind words. =o) Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up. (Eh-heh-heh. I said, "Keep this up.")

Missy Melissa my Sissy my Sister: Do it if you wanna, don't do it if you don't wanna. We are tolerant, here at Louie Pit Bull (and Ollie Beagle). :-)

Frank said...

I don't think I've seen the movie "Seven" eight times yet, but I'm working on it. It's so creepy...but sooo good.

Adamity73 said...

Shit, Frank. "Seven" is one of the best movies ever. And, as for police procedurals? THE best.

("Silence of the Lambs" comes in a close second.)

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I haven't checked in lately, but since I did, I thought I would swipe your meme for my own (new) blog. I finally bit the bullet and decided to give it a whirl. Stop by and say hello if you feel like it...

Damn, and I can't believe I forgot Silence of the Lambs either!

Me_Again said...

Eh. It took me like weeks to comment, you make my smile wider too, amongst other things ;0)

Nanette said...

I cried and cried during Marley and Me...and after, and sigh, just thinking about it now. Looks like I have a few meme's to catch up on when I dust off the blog.

Anonymous said...

Superb content! Could you follow-up on this incredible topic?