"I'll bash all the nigger's heads," said the African-American ahead of me. "I'll get my axe and cut them into little pieces," said the black man ahead of me.
I held out my hand. "Here," I said. "Shake my hand."
He looked down at me--a skinny six-foot-three black man--and he said, "I ain't shaking your motherfucking hand."
I removed my hand from the situation.
The man's order was done. His bags were packed. His change (the cashier rounded it up) was in his hand. Still, in his camo hat and with his neck veins pulsating, one never knows where the merry-go-round will end. Does he have a gun? Does he have a knife? Can he kill with his bare hands? (Probably.)
I was just happy to see the crazy motherfucker leave the building.
Meagan regained her voice. "What did you say to him?"
The cashier looked warily out the front window and said, "I just asked why he looks angry all the time. Every time he comes in, he looks angry."
It made me think: Just what is "crazy"? I consider myself pretty fucked-up. Crazy? Maybe. But then, when one actually sees "nuts," it makes one re-think the verbiage. This guy? Fucking nuts. Nutzo.
My prayers go out to the cashier. (And to the warped individual. His pain is heavy, man.)
Peace to all. And to all a good night.
what is a 'camo' hat? is it short for 'camouflage'? did he look like he could have been a returning soldier? in any case, sometimes it is best to not interact. i think you were lucky because he could well have had a knife or gun. if the situation had gotten violent, then people could step in. i think prayers for him were definately in order, though. it does sound like he is in constant pain.
Yep, I keep my head down when people are acting strange - nothing to be gained (for either of you) by shaking hands, you know? Might have been something going around Kroger today - the guy in front of me was REALLY offended that the man in front of him used the "place this between" thing. He kept muttering that he'd been disrespected and talking out loud about how pissed he was at this sweet-looking old man who was picking up the week's groceries, and all I could think (while recounting yogurt, rearranging my cart, anything to avoid engaging) was WTF? That's what it's for! The man isn't insinuating that you're trying to get him to pay for your fucking groceries. That divider isn't for HIM, it's for the damn cashier, you moron! Anyway.
The guy might well have (your guy) just been pissed that someone told him he looked angry all the time. People don't usually appreciate unsolicited opinions or advice. I worked with a girl years ago, and I distinctly remember one of the guys telling her to smile. "Smile! You look so grim!" And she said, "I don't need to go around smiling all the damn time to prove to YOU I'm happy. I am just going about my day - keep your preconceived notions of happiness and what it looks like out of it. I don't owe you a smile."
Bashing heads and cutting people into pieces sounds extreme, of course.
BooBoo-- Yep. Camoflage hat. (I mistyped "hate" twice whilst trying to type hat...I reckon that's accurate, too.) Yes, I get what you're saying about not intervening. He very could have had a weapon. I guess I was just being a smart-ass. Then again, what does that word mean, "smart-ass"? It may mean just this: The individual is intelligent, but he is also a jack-ass. Yeah, that's me! ;-)
Missy: I think what that woman said is spot-fucking-on. I have had people ask me before why I wasn't smiling. I thought the exact same thing she said. Good retort! =) As for that dude in the Kroger who was bitching about the divider? Come the fuck on. Chill out and breave a bit, boo.
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