Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Three years, today.

We both forgot. Wah-wah. We love each other. Passionately.

I'll have to make it up to her.

On the other hand, last night we consumated our third year of love. (With a game of checkers.)


(And it was after midnight--so, then, today, the 27th of July. I need to repeat that to myself about a hundred times.)

I love her. Completely. Infinitely.


I think we have a ghost in the house. I really truly do. A few things have happened....


Break: Meeg and I finish each others sentences and our moods are often yin and yang. Yeah. We sure as hell seem to be soul-mates. I am soooooooooooooooooooo lucky. =)


Back to the ghost. I don't want to get into details...there have been a few peculiar things here that happened, in the homestead, lately. I am a little freaked out. (But, maybe, in a good way.) We'll see what happens.


I love Meagan Elizabeth. I love her.


Melissa said...

Happy anniversary, you two! xoxo

buxindi said...

happy anniversary from me, too. it doesn't happen too often that two soulmates find each other. i'm so glad you two did.

Adamity73 said...

Thanks, Missy and BooBoo! =) We are in. love.