Monday, October 30, 2006

I like to listen to Tupac railing 'gainst the Establishment. I dig hearing Jimi's guitar wails. I love Mozart and Clapton. The Grateful Dead is cool, too. I'm not a fan of opera. Sorry. It annoys me.

But that's why I'm flummoxed when I listen to Beethoven's Ninth. The last movement. It *sounds* like opera to me, but it ain't, in a way. Sure there are gals and dudes singing Germanly. But.

It.Just.Doesn't.Matter. The beauty of the voices rising from nothing quashes all my opera phobias. It's angelic. It's beautiful. It's an "Ode to Joy."

I used to fast-forward from the fourth of the Ninth. Who needs to hear sappy singing? I used to fast-forward to the good stuff: the first, second and third movements--the rock of Beethoven's rolls.

Now? Now I'm not so sure. I just heard the fourth of Lood-vig's Ninth and I must admit that I was spellbound. To use a cliche? It was a cacaphony of angels.

I don't know how a human being can compose such soul-elevating sounds. Especially when the composer is deaf. It's just amazing.

Whoever reads this slop: Do me a favor. If you don't have any classical, buy some. Force yourself to listen, if that's necassary. Purchase Mozart's "Jupiter," Beethoven's "Ninth" and Haydn's "101" and "102." You won't be disappointed and your soul may even be elevated. Who knows? Who knew?

(Also, purchase Tupac's "All Eyez on Me." Again, you won't be disappointed.)


1 comment:

Valley Girl said...

Thanks for the link love, dude!