"Slap me."
"Slap me!"
laziness precedes the fade
so-be-it attitudes rear
their Dragon-Heads
throughout life, we all humans realize these emotions:
their fucking Dragon-Heads.
there be many again there before me
who'd lived his life as though he's free
but then in the end, he had realized his gaffe
that all that all Life is is a big ole Laugh
I smoke too much. I have been known to drink too much. I don't eat the most healthful foodstuffs. I possess, however, a great big ole heart. I care. I empathize. I'm no fucking saint, for sure. But I get down-and-outedness. "There but for the grace of God, go I."
Whistle past the graveyard, if'n it pleases ya.
It was windy in the graveyard. Every breath and gust of wind brought the smell of decay.
Decay. Sure, bodies decay. But, too, emotions and relationships decay.
The dreaded red pencil plays a part in a majority of Life. I always wonder--and do believe--that the red pencil comes equipped with an eraser.