My! How Time doeth fly! Right? Heck.
Heck, I remember being 10 and Alexis being 14, at the house on Smith. Even at that age, she was showing brilliant flashes of artistic brilliance. (I know. "Brilliant" in its forms, twice. Read on.)
Alexis has always been an artist. Poetry, painting, colored-penciled drawings, prose, short stories, sculpture, artistry of musical instruments--she can pick up an instrument and make sense out of it. Piano, dulcemer, guitar, drums....
So. She turned 40 today. It is her birthday.
I say to her, "Happy birthday!" And I grin like the Cheshire Cat. Because I feel that way. I love the girl. She is an inspiration to me. She truly is. Is.
We have not always seen eye-to-eye and I think I know the reason: We are far too similar in many aspects of our personalities.
But, the fact remains that I love her and I miss her--miss her. She lives in Duluth-fucking-Minnesota, a fourteen-hour drive away. That's far. I am without vacation daze at work....
Meagan intervenes (and I type)....
For Alexis's birthday, Meeg came up with the idea of 40 things (for the years accumulated)--randomly chosen from the dictionary, in alphabetical order--that we'd like to give her for her 40th birthday.
And it so goes:
We give her 40 adorable anoles.
We give her 39 blue blankets.
We give her 38 cute cat calanders.
We give her 37 doozies.
We give her 36 ethos...um. Um.
We give her 35 forklifts. Damn. Much work to do, huh?
We give her 34 germy gerbils. (Annie and Nikki.)
We give her 33 heterosexuals. (Back down, Sean.) ;-)
We give her 32 insomniatic nights. Sorry. That's the way the page unfolded.
We give her 31 jowls.
We give her 30 Karmas. (Peace, my sister.)
We give her 29 lifeboats.
We give her 28 malamutes. (You wanted a dog, right?)
We give her 27 Norsemen. (Sean?! Back off, man! It's just an alphabetic exercise.)
We give her 26 obsidian rocks.
We give her 25 precious pandas. (And China is pisssssssed.)
We give her 24 Quakers. (Enjoy your oatmeal, sis.) =0)
We give her 23 rest areas.
We give her 22 sitars. (Be the Beatles, uh?)
We give her 21 tender tendrils.
We give her 20 umbilical cords.
We give her 19 Vermeers. (He's a famous Dutch painter. She got 19 of his works for her life-changing 40th birthday!)
We give her 18 weathercocks. (Whence does the wind blow?)
We give her 17 xenophobes.
We give her 16 Yuppies. (And she will hate that gift.)
We give her 15 zoologists.
[We start back at "A" for the remainder of the 14 years.]
We give her 14 apostles. (Meagan and I will round the 12 out to 14.)
We give her 13 bibs. (Red Lobstah, anyone?)
We give her 12 comedians.
We give her 11 deja vus.
We give her 10 entertaining entrepreneurs.
We give her 09 forests.
We give her 08 guest workers, a foreigner permitted to work in a country on a temporary basis.
We give her 07 howitzers. (Aim carefully. Please?)
We give her 06 ideals.
We give her 05 jackals. (Sorry.)
We give her 04 Korean Krishnas.
We give her 03 lobotomies.
We give her 02 megaliths. (Think...Stonehenge.)
We give her 01 neophyte. (Meegie says, "Have fun with that!")
And, for zero, we give her the Love of Language; we give her the Mastery of Mastication.
Chew on, dear sis, chew on.
Love you,
Adam and Meegie. =0)