I have never met anyone like her. A few days ago, I forgot the date of our third year of physically knowing each other. My bad.
Yes, my bad. My completely horrific bad. And this is why.
And this is why: I have never met a better woman. She is me and I am her. Soulmates? Uh, yeah.
I--she's a rainbow. I want to proclaim to the skies that I love the woman, that she is my second half, that she completes me, that she is The Love Goddess.
And she is, all of those literary terms. But she is so much more than that. I'm sure you've heard the reference of someone being someone else's "other half" or "second half"? Yes. She is that, too.
She is so beautiful, to me. (Back off, Julio.) To anyone. Symmetrical face, sooty black lashes, fucking beautiful eyes, big breasts, tiny ankles, long reddish hair, strong legs...what more can I say?!
She is me. She is my life. She is my Love.
I haven't ever felt so much Love before. I am in virgin territory.
I know this: Complete love. And it feels good. Damned good.
Some say that one only encounters--One Time Only Sale!--the one person for which he or she was destined.
I would like to say that I am on the fence--pre-destination or free will?--but I think I have, already, the answer: Fate. I know, I know...Some may laugh. But think about it, Some. Have ye ever, ever, felt as "at home" as you do with your lover? Have ye?
I think it is a neuro-chemical-aurical thang. And throw a splish-splash of pheremones in there, too, for good measure. I think--I believe--it just is.
And you can thank whatever god to whom you pay homage. I pay mine to the Christian God, the dude depicted sittin' on a throne of clouds. I say to Him, "Thanks, God. Thank you, so much."
Love her.
Love, here.
I love you, Meagan. Forever.
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