There was a man behind the curtain who wasn't.
--And a break in to Reality. Times Square. Thousands of people. A bullseye on the United States, New York in the limelighted center. An SUV left running with explosive devices inside. Let us look at the devices, shall we? Gasoline, timing devices, consumer-available fireworks...kindling?--
Listen: The CNN anchors asking rhetorically if it were an international terrorist attack? Al Kumfuck is laughing right now. I don't blame them. They--the Osama Network--are guffawing. And absolutely loving this shit. They're saying to themselves, "Look! You get some irate numbskull in the A of U.S. and he'll do our job for us!"
Look. It'll happen like this: A man (or a woman) will walk into a densely-populated space--a market, a shopping center--and he or she will blow him- or herself up...along with however many people are standing in the vicinity. People will die. We'll become like a war-torn Middle Eastern nation. Arms and legs and heads and blood. Everywhere.
I am surprised it hasn't happened already.
Well that's a cheery Sunday morning thought!
As soon as the unthinkable gets thunk it gets done and then a myriad of artistic and nuanced variations appear all trying to out-compete ... Darwin was all over this ... create a selection pressure (famous-osity)and evolution/adaptation will commence, "like the night follows the day".
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