My girl and I were driving on Saturday and I reached into the back seat to grab a napkin to blow my nose. Well, I grabbed two on accident. After I blew my nose and crumpled the first (and threw it away) I stuffed the second, unbesmirched, napkin in my mouth and started to chew it. I don't know why, just to be weird, I guess. Just to get a rise out of Meagan, something like, "Adam Christopher! What on earth are you doing?!" Something like that. Anyway, after I got the requisite reaction--"What the hell are you doing, Adam? God, you're weird." "Wha? No, you should try it sometime; chewing napkins is great fun."--Tiring of the game, I fished the paper out of my mouth and slam-dunked it on the dashboard. And did a double-take.
"Wow," I said, laughing. "That looks a little like Mary, doesn't it?"
"Oh, shit," she said. "You're right!"
"Do you see it?"
"Yeah, I do," she said, laughing. "She's kneeling, and she's, like, wearing a robe, right?"
Strange, strange days, indeed.
And lovely readers, Adam forgot to add--he will sell you his "sign from above" for the low price of $299.95 (hey, that's less than the toast with the Virgin Mary anomaly which sold on ebay for a whole lot more). What do you say? Any bidders?
this just makes me laugh ...I don't know why ...i'd say you're insane but Meegan was in on it ... maybe it's the randomness of your channeling the almighty through an enormous paperwad spitball hawked up to get a rise out of Meegan ..something pure and genuine about that.
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